Be a part of something great!
Please call or text your urgent prayer request to 903-390-4176. Non-emergency request may be emailed to [email protected].
We would love to have you join us in making a difference in the lives of others by lifting them up to the LORD in prayer during difficult times. You may request to serve as a prayer warrior on the email chain.
Sign up! Go the the following link to sign up to be added to the Calvary Baptist Prayer Ministry: Calvary Baptist Prayer Chain Ministry
To request phone chain only, you may call one of the above phone numbers.
The requests for prayer are personal, so do respect and keep private information received.Please do not send a prayer request unless it is for yourself or the one identified has given permission.Please keep the prayer situation confidential and unless the individual is a personal friend, do not discuss the situation with the person for whom you are praying.
Contact: Linda Mullen
Calvary has opened a very quiet, peaceful and spiritually decorated 'Prayer Room' where our members can pray for those in need. Each item used in decorating the room has a special meaning. Scriptures displayed remind those present of the power of prayer and the reason we turn to the Lord in times of need. Visit the prayer room where you can leave cards or notes indicating whom you have prayed for. Bring a friend with you, perhaps someone whom you will be praying for. Bring a friend whom you have been witnessing to and share the gospel with them in this special place.